Analysis on the compensation packages paid to the Executives for the financial year 2016 and 2017, 2

发表于:2022-08-17 17:39:32 范文

Despite the fact that the agency theory seeks to align the interests of the principals with those of the agents, there are concerns that shareholders use their voting rights on remuneration report judiciously. In their analysis on this issue, Monem and Ng (2013) evaluated a number of firms that had faced a “first strike” in 2011 and 2012 and observe that the shareholders have used their voting rights on remuneration reports judiciously, thus demanding the executive to achieve high performance levels. Ertimur, Ferri and Muslu (2011) support the observation by Monem and Ng (2013) in their argument that while shareholders judiciously use their voting power, this is not in regard to the executive pay but rather on the process of setting the pay. In particular, Ertimur, Ferri and Muslu (2011) reiterate that most shareholders use their voting powers to rejects proposals that impose the structure or level of pay, while selectively granting themselves the power to approve certain compensation items.


3.0 Discussions and Analysis 讨论和分析

An analysis of literature indicates that businesses and organisations have sought to implement different approaches in determining executive compensation. Among these is include using social performance criteria to determine CEO compensation package in 2016 (Maas, 2016). Nonetheless, Syed (2017) observes that social performance criteria in 2016 CEO compensation package creates room for the top management to engage in unethical activities such as concealing of some of financial aspects of the organisation in order receive certain benefits. In this regards, there are risks that some CEOs will invest in social responsibility programs even when the firms in question are performing poorly in order to receive benefits tied to social performance. In other words, social performance gives CEOs have an incentive to engage in unethical activities such as concealing financial weaknesses in their firms, thus increasing the risk of failure of these firms.


Importantly, there are number changes that relate to the executive remuneration strategy and governance framework that occurred between 2016 and 2017. To begin with, despite adopting ‘pay-performance’ link, there is evidence that indicate that top executives in Australia still earn huge wages while their organisations continue to perform poorly. Speaking from this point of view, one of the changes between 2016 and 2017 on executive remuneration strategy and governance strategy has been to introduce bespoke payment structure. In this case, rather than adopt a “one-size fits all”, organisations are fast turning to developing their own compensation strategy in order to enhance the maximisation of benefits by both principals and the agents (EY Pay Perspective, 2016). In addition to this, some organisations in Australia turned to rewarding equities rather than cash in their short-term incentive plan (Jacobs, 2017). In this case, organisations are adopting a short-term incentive (STI) plan that rewards its executives with equities rather than giving cash bonuses. On the other hand, some organisations are fast scrapping off the Long Term Incentive (LTI) as part of the executives’ remuneration. In addition, there is a significant shift in organisation where stakeholders are increasing their voice, thus giving them more power as far as governance and strategic issues are concerned (Calkoen, 2017). This means that the executives’ power to fully make decisions on issues of governance and organisational strategy is declining.


One of the critical aspects to note is the fact that the updated remuneration principles play a critical role in addressing the agency conflicts between the management and the stakeholders. On one hand, these remuneration principles are focusing on preventing the executive from taking risks that endanger the stakeholders’ investment in organisations as well as threaten the entire society. For example, through the use of equities in short-term incentives rather than cash bonuses will help improve the attachment and level of responsibility towards the organisation in question from the part of the executive. On the other hand, such compensation ensures that the executive is rewarded for their role in promoting high performance levels in the organisation in question. Therefore, conflicts that could arise because of divergent interests from both the stakeholders and the management in organisation are significantly minimized or completely eliminated.

