One of the critical issues to observe about the nature of government-business relationships in China is the fact that the massive growth of international trade and aspects such as globalization and the changing global politics had a significant impact in bringing a revolution to these relationships. For instance, Zhu (2015) observe that the end of the Cold War and the shifting of global markets from liberalism to neoliberalism economic concepts encouraged the Chinese government to focus on lessening its control over its market as way to create an avenue for its businesses to effectively compete both on the local and international markets. Furthermore, the lessening of government control over its market was perceived as a way to encourage the inflow of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), and as such, position China to achieve rapid industrialization. This is affirmed by Chang (2003) who observe that the shift towards neoliberalism not only in China but also in other parts of the globe was motivated by the fact that liberalism had proved to be inefficient and incapable of promoting economic growth, with countries that held onto this ideology experiencing significant stagnation in their economic growth and development journey. Speaking from this point of view, it is clear that China government-business relations have been dynamic in nature, and continues to respond to global influence.
The government-business relations in China fall into two main categories namely the local government-business relations and the national government-business relations. In reference to Wang (2016), more firms in China have strong connections with the local government as compared with the national government. Deng and Kennedy (2010) attribute this connection between local government and businesses to the fact that most businesses operate in a single locality and as such, they have no need to establish a connection to the national government. In other words, the main factor that limits most businesses from seeking to establish a relationship with the national government is embedded in the fact that they are limited geographically as far as their operations are concerned. With this in mind, these businesses expect that by establishing relations with the local government, they would be able to easily access different trade opportunities that arise within their localities.
Whereas this is the case, over the past few years there have been significant growth in the number of businesses that have sought to establish relations with the national government. According to Wang (2016), the growing need to establish relations with the national government among businesses is motivated by the fact that such relations enable businesses to access opportunity both across the nation as well as on international scene. In this case, by establishing a relation with the national government, a business has an opportunity to transcend both local and international borders and as such, achieve growth and expansion to other markets. In addition, Wang (2016) observes that national government-business relations are more powerful as compared to local government-business relations and as such, they are more desirable. Furthermore, the Chinese local government officials are often transferred to other locations, thus undermining the stability of the local government-business relations. As such, most businesses are turning to the national government since it provides stable government-business relations.
Despite the fact that China has embraced neoliberalism ideologies in managing its government-business relations, there is a need to observe that there is still some level of government influence over businesses within its economy, particularly, the state-owned enterprises (SOEs). In reference to Zhang (2018), despite the fact that the Chinese government has increased the autonomy of SOEs in managing their operations and activities, there is a need to observe that it still regulates them through the ‘nomenklatura system’ whereby the state is involved in the appointment of the top leadership such as the presidents and the chairmen of these enterprises. Speaking from this point of view, one of the questions that arise regards who is in control of state-owned enterprises in China. Arguably, despite claims that the state has reduced its influence on government-business relations in China, it is clear from the analysis of the SOEs’ top leadership that the state and particularly, the political elites are in control of these enterprises in this nation. This is affirmed by Zhang (2018) who observe that the Communist Party of China is mandated with the appointment of the top leadership of these enterprises, and as such, it only appoints its ‘own people’ to lead its SOEs, thus gaining control over them. However, it is important to mention such control does not extend to privately owned enterprises but rather is not limited to SOEs. This implies that private businesses in this nation enjoy a significant portion of freedom from government control.