Part B: How do you think you learn best? 你认为你怎样才能学得更好?

发表于:2022-08-17 17:39:20 范文

1. How do you think you learn best? What do you need to do to achieve the best results?


I think I learn best by contextualizing what I am learning about. In other words, I find it easier to understand different concepts that I am learning when they are presented from a contextual point of view. For instance, if I was learning a new English word, I find it easier to understand such a word when it is used in a particular context. Importantly, I think I need to learn different techniques to absorb information as well as enhance my ability to reflect on what I have learned to achieve the best results.


2.    How do you spend your time after you finish your classes at Trinity College? Do you think your life in Australia is balanced between school, fitness and recreation?


I spend a significant portion of my time in the library either engaging in personal study or working on assignments after completing my classes at Trinity College. Apart from this, I spend two to three afternoons every week jogging in the college field as a way to enhance my fitness. Once in a while, I visit the cinema in the city center to watch a movie or a play. Therefore, I think my life in Australia is well balanced between school, fitness and recreation.

