Tea room experience: Reflective Report 茶室体验(2):反思报告

发表于:2022-08-17 17:39:17 范文

Physical Space Layout 物理空间布局

Apart from people, the spatial environment of a particular place plays a critical role too in influencing the level of customer satisfaction. In reference to Bonnin (2006), the physical environment is one of the first aspects that customers interact with in a business and as such, it can enhance their mood and improve their satisfaction levels or it can turn them leading to dissatisfaction. Bonnin (2006) further observe that there are both tangible and intangible aspects of the physical services. In their analysis, Pareigis, Edvardsson and Enquist (2008) observe that the nature of a particular physical space has an impact on how people view it, both customers and employers, thus influencing how each responds to the other. For example, in the case of Starbucks in Lincoln, one of the physical aspects of this space that has a positive impact on customer satisfaction is the cleanliness of the place. Arguably, the Starbucks premises are clean and attractive and as such, there are no fears among customers on the safety of the meals from this place. Whereas this is the case, there is a need to observe that the space in this location for Starbucks is limited and as such, there is congestion during peak hours, which undermine the movement of people leading to low satisfaction levels. For instance, rather than taking drinks within the restaurant, one would opt to order take-away drinks in order to take them from somewhere else such as home or office. While this in itself is not a bad thing, I think it is difficult for this coffee house to satisfy its customers who would like to consume what they have purchased within the premises. Speaking from this point of view, I think this coffee house needs to consider rearranging its furniture in a way that will create sufficient space for its customers especially as far as movement is concerned. In addition, the coffee house need to begin considering relocating to a larger space where it can exploit space to enhance the satisfaction levels of its customers. It can also consider online ordering and delivery services and to reduce the number of people who currently visit its premises.


Ambient Environment 周围环境

The ambient environment, that is, the details and design elements that work together to establish a particular service environment, are critical in defining the experience and satisfaction levels of customers. In reference to Lin (2004), the ambient conditions include aspect such as sounds, quality of air and temperature, light, scents and colour schemes. Notably, the ambient conditions that a business creates influence customers in the sense that they are likely to be responsive towards what they are familiar with, as well as what they often experience or desire to experience in their environment. For instance, on my visit to Starbucks Lincoln, I noticed that the place was well lit and had cool temperatures that were different from those on the streets. However, the slow tempo and low sound of the music made most people uncomfortable since most seemed concerned that someone could overhear their conversations. Therefore, they kept looking at other people around them in an uncomfortable and suspicious way. With this in mind, one was unlikely to come back to this place especially when they wanted to enjoy a chat with friends or their loved one. This therefore, implies that the restaurant would be unable to maintain a high level of customer loyalty and as Seth, Deshmukh and Vrat (2005) observe, it would be unable to achieve its objectives since the performance of businesses is highly dependent on how they satisfy and keep their customers. Therefore, to enhance its customer satisfaction and loyalty, this Starbucks branch need to play moderate to high tempo music, as well as enhance its space to eliminate the perception that it is a crowded place.


Signs, symbols and artefacts 标志、符号和人工制品

Similarly, another critical aspect that was instrumental in enhancing the responsiveness of customers towards a particular business is its signs, symbols and artefacts. According to Ellen and Zhang (2014), signs, symbols and artefacts play a critical role in giving customers clues on different aspects of the business such as the expected behaviour while one is in the premises of such a business. Ellen and Zhang (2014) further observe that artefacts, symbols and signs have a significant impact on the arousal and pressure of the customers. Speaking from this point of view, the critical symbols, artefacts and signs at Starbucks in Lincoln include menus, price labels and advertising placards. For example, the price labels provide critical price information for different products sold by the restaurant. Therefore, one does not need to ask for prices of different products. Similarly, the one could easily tell what was available from the menu list. Speaking from this point of view, this restaurant provide a heightened level of customer experience through ensuring that critical information on their products was easily available and accessible by its customers. Whereas this is the case, I think the quality of service is undermined by the fact that some of the prices were yet to be updated and as such, some of them provided misleading price. With this in mind, the delay in updating its price labels to match the restaurant’s updated price list made customers feel that they were being cheated and portrayed the restaurant as dishonest. Therefore, to enhance trust and its credibility, this restaurant needs to seamlessly update its prices.


Conclusion 结论

In conclusion, just as Brady and Cronin Jr. (2001), Lassar, Manolis and Winsor (2000), and Seth, Deshmukh and Vrat (2005) observe, the quality of service in businesses and organisations play a critical role in determining the level of customer satisfaction and loyalty, and as such, the level of performance and competitiveness of the business. Notably, there are different factors within a service environment that influence the quality of service. These include people, space, ambience and symbols, signs and artefacts. Importantly, these factors work together rather than individual to influence the perception, mood, attitude and the level of satisfaction among customers. Speaking from this point of view, whereas Starbucks in Lincoln offers a convenient and nice place where people can access their favourite beverages, there are a number of areas where it needs to improve. This include the attitude of its employees towards its customers, the arrangement of its furniture to create more space for movement, the selection of its music, as well as ensuring that its artefacts, signs and symbols provide updated information.

总之,正如Brady和Cronin Jr.(2001)、Lassar、Manolis和Winsor(2000)以及Seth、Deshmukh和Vrat(2005)所观察到的那样,企业和组织的服务质量在决定客户满意度和忠诚度水平以及企业的绩效和竞争力水平方面起着关键作用。值得注意的是,在服务环境中存在影响服务质量的不同因素。这些包括人、空间、环境和符号、标志和人工制品。重要的是,这些因素共同作用,而不是单独影响顾客的感知、情绪、态度和满意度水平。从这个角度讲,林肯的星巴克提供了一个方便而美好的地方,人们可以在那里喝到他们最喜欢的饮料,但它还有许多地方需要改进。这包括其员工对客户的态度、家具的布置以创造更多的运动空间、音乐的选择,以及确保其工艺品、标志和符号提供最新信息。
