经济学论文代写,To what extent are sustainability initiatives impediments to the imperatives driving economi

发表于:2022-08-17 17:39:16 范文

Despite these proposals in the 1987 Brundtland Report on what sustainability needs to entail, its definition and as such, the entire sustainability concept has shifted significantly over the years, thus shifting the overall focus of this concept. Arguably, whereas the Brundtland concept on sustainability entailed balancing between needs and resources, as well as between short term and long term, this has since shifted to three dimension approach to include social, economic and environmental aspects (Kuhlman & Farrington, 2010). Therefore, the new definition of sustainability promotes the notion that while development is a multidimensional endeavour to attain high quality of life for every person on earth, environmental protection, social development and economic development are mutually reinforcing and interdependent factors that constitute sustainable development (Kuhlman & Farrington, 2010). This definition of sustainability in the modern world by Kuhlman and Farrington (2010) is supported by Finkbeiner, Schau, Lehmann and Traverso (2010), who observe that sustainability goes beyond environmental protection to include social and economic development in the modern society. Importantly, the modern sustainability concept promotes the need for both governments and corporations to adopt a cooperation and proactive approach in managing different development issues and in protecting the environment.


Sustainable development and corporate expansion 可持续发展与企业扩张

The concept of sustainability and as such, sustainable development continues to gain a widespread attention from different stakeholders both in the private and the public sector. In reference to Giddings, Hopwood and O'Brien (2002), there is an extensive adoption of sustainable development concept among both large and small corporations across the globe, with regions such as the United States and Europe experience a 95 percent adoption rate among their corporations. The adoption of sustainable development policies among these corporations is motivated by the belief that sustainability is an important concept in the 21st century corporate environment. Furthermore, a significant number of these businesses have integrated sustainable development initiatives in their operations as a way to promote an image that they are responsible businesses as far as environment protection is concerned.


Despite the wide acceptance of sustainable development initiatives among corporations, there are divisions on whether these initiatives contribute positively or negatively to corporate expansion. To begin with, the proponents of sustainable development argue that the rising demand for commodities that adhere to sustainability standards on the market have created an opportunity for businesses to enhance their innovativeness and as such, focus on developing products that have less impact on the environment (Stoner & Wankel, 2012). Speaking from this perspective, these scholars assert that corporations have an opportunity to enhance their profits through investment not only production processes that have little or no impact at all on the environment but also in products that are adapted to the natural environment.


Apart from opportunities the rising demand for sustainable products, there are also arguments that sustainable development promotes innovativeness and creativity among corporations. In reference to Groenewald and Powell (2016), the awareness of the environmental impact of their activities would motivate corporations to seek to improve efficiency, cut down costs and develop innovative production processes that have little impact on the environment. Through the adoption of such measures, these corporations would establish a culture that supports efficient use of resources, thus improving their financial performance. This therefore implies that they can easily open new outlets even with fewer resources. In addition to this, Groenewald and Powell (2016) argue that the adoption of sustainable development initiatives help corporation to enhance the value of their brand, thus increasing the chances of their stocks experiencing improved performance on the financial markets. Therefore, they have an opportunity to not only attract investors but also to use their increased cash flow to successful invest in different markets not only in their local countries but also on international markets.


Speaking from this point of view, the proponents of sustainable development initiatives as critical aspects of the modern-day corporate suggest that adopting these initiatives does not in any way affect corporate expansion. In this case, both Groenewald and Powell (2016) and Stoner and Wankel (2012) assert in their arguments that sustainable development initiatives does not impend the imperatives driving corporate expansion. On the contrary, corporations that respond positively to sustainable development initiatives have an opportunity to enhance their corporate expansion programs through lower operations and improve efficiency, as well as through engaging in product innovation, thus not only improving the nature of their current products but also developing new products for new markets. Furthermore, since the finances play an instrumental role in corporate expansion, corporations that adopt sustainable initiatives have an opportunity to build their brand value and attract investors, thus gaining financial muscles to allow them expand to other markets.

