The film series Nikita Season 2, in episode 6, titled “343 Walnut Lane” follow one of the stars, Nikita, in her quest to find her family. In the episode, one of the issues that emerge is the fact that Nikita was born in Vietnam by an American father and a Vietnamese woman. Importantly, this episode puts emphasis on the important of a family in a person’s life. An analysis of different elements in the episode reveals that parents play a critical role in the socialization process of their children. For example, due to being raised in a foster home and facing abuse as a child, Nikita developed anger and violent behaviors, which made it difficult for her to be integrated in society. Furthermore, the episode is inclined towards the fact that finding a family in a person’s life is critical in helping healing the pain and hurts that a person has gone through in life. Apart from the family, gender is another aspect that emerges in the episode. In particular, it emerges in the episode the men often use women to achieve their goals. For instance, Percival “Percy” Rose, the former head of Division, uses Alexandra “Alex” Udinov to achieve his objective of capturing Nikita. Similarly, men are portrayed as superior to women in the episode. For instance, the operation team to capture Nikita is headed and carried out by men with no female member. Furthermore, Percy indicates to Helen “Amanda” Collins that because of his plans, she was closer to catch Nikita. In this case, Percy portrays that a man’s plans were superior to that of a woman. With regard to race, the episode indicates that due to her race as a Vietnamese, Nikita can never be elected as a president of the United States. In other words, her racial background undermines her capability to vie for a higher political position in the United States.