
发表于:2022-08-17 17:38:02 范文

Table of Contents 目录

Introduction and analysis of the chosen Country 所选的介绍和分析

Background of Seeka Limited Seeka有限公司的背景   

Justification and analysis of the chosen country 所选的理由和分析

Identification and Sizing of the Chosen Market Segment 选定细分市场的识别和规模确定

Market Opportunities 市场机会

Market Entry Modes 市场进入模式

Chosen Country and Entry Mode 所选和进入方式

International Marketing Strategy 国际营销策略

Conclusion 结论

References 参考文献

Introduction and analysis of the chosen Country 所选的介绍和分析

Background of Seeka Limited Seeka有限公司的背景

Seeka Limited is one of the leading companies that engage in the production of kiwifruit and other types of fruits in New Zealand as well as through its subsidiaries in Australia. The company was established in 1980 in the rural area of Te Puke, New Zealand by orchardists who produced kiwifruit as their main crop (Seeka Limited, 2018). The Seeka Limited has expanded its operations to regions such as Eleos, Huka Pak, Waimapu, Peninsula and Bridge Cool among other areas in New Zealand. Apart from growing kiwifruits and other fruits such as avocado, kiwiberry, plums, European pears and Nashi pears, the company also leases orchards to farmers both in New Zealand and Australia (Seeka Limited, 2018). Despite attaining the recognition as one of the leading producers of kiwifruits in New Zealand, Seeka Limited remains unknown on the international markets because of its reluctance to engage in direct export of kiwifruits to other markets across the globe. Instead, it has continued to largely operate as an intermediary between international buyers and farmers in New Zealand and Australia. In this regard, the company has over 35 years sought to seek for international buyers of kiwifruits for farmers rather than invest in establishing its presence in international markets.

Seeka有限公司是新西兰从事猕猴桃和其他类型水果生产的主要公司之一,并通过其在澳大利亚的子公司进行生产。该公司成立于1980年,位于新西兰特普克的农村地区,由果园主产猕猴桃(Seeka Limited,2018年)。Seeka有限公司已将其业务扩展到诸如Eleos、Huka Pak、Waimapu、Peninsula和Bridge Cool等新西兰地区。除了种植猕猴桃和其他水果,如鳄梨、猕猴桃、李子、欧洲梨和纳什梨,该公司还向新西兰和澳大利亚的农民租赁果园(Seeka Limited,2018)。尽管获得了新西兰猕猴桃主要生产商之一的认可,但Seeka有限公司在国际市场上仍然名不见经传,因为它不愿意将猕猴桃直接出口到全球其他市场。相反,它继续在很大程度上充当国际买家和新西兰和澳大利亚农民之间的中介。在这方面,该公司35年来一直寻求为农民寻找猕猴桃的国际买家,而不是投资在国际市场上建立业务。

An analysis of Seeka Limited reveals that the company current employees around 240 people on a permanent basis. In addition to this, the company manages land over 1,100 hectares of avocado and kiwifruit orchards and provides different services to farmers including orchard management and production reporting, harvesting services, technical support and monitoring pests, and development and leasing of orchards among others services (IBIS World, 2017). Similarly, an evaluation of the Seeka Limited’s financial status indicates that the company has maintained slow but persistent growth over the last 10 years. According to its financial report in the financial year ending December 2017, this company recorded revenue of NZ$186,814,000 down from NZ$191,317,000 during the same period in 2016 (Seeka Limited, 2017). This reduced revenue earnings in 2017 was also followed by a significant drop in its net profits, from NZ$10,385,000 in 2016 to NZ$5,833,000 in 2017 (Seeka Limited, 2017). Despite the reduced revenue and net profit, this company still continue to maintain is position in the kiwifruit market in both New Zealand and Australia. Whereas this is the case, if it experiences a significant drop in its revenue and net profit in the financial year 2018 and 2019, it risks losing its position as a leader in the production of kiwifruit and others fruits such as avocado in both the New Zealand and Australian markets.

Seeka Limited的一项分析显示,该公司现有约240名长期员工。除此之外,该公司管理着1100多公顷的鳄梨和猕猴桃果园,并为农民提供不同的服务,包括果园管理和生产报告、收割服务、技术支持和害虫监测、果园开发和租赁以及其他服务(IBIS World,2017)。同样,对Seeka有限公司财务状况的评估表明,该公司在过去10年中保持了缓慢但持续的增长。根据截至2017年12月的财年财务报告,该公司的收入为186814000新西兰元,低于2016年同期的191317000新西兰元(Seeka Limited,2017)。2017年收入减少后,其净利润也大幅下降,从2016年的10385000新西兰元降至2017年的5833000新西兰元(Seeka Limited,2017年)。尽管收入和净利润减少,但该公司仍继续保持其在新西兰和澳大利亚猕猴桃市场的地位。然而,如果该公司在2018和2019财年的收入和净利润大幅下降,则有可能失去其在新西兰和澳大利亚市场上猕猴桃和鳄梨等其他水果生产的领先地位。
